Sunday, May 27, 2012


 今日は朝練でした。7時に起きて、朝飯を食べて、準備をして8時に出発!珍しく朝練にON TIMEでした!天気が良くて、他のレースもなぃから、参加人数が20人ぐらぃ。B-team はI-kawaさん, M-motoさん, Y-nakaさん, 新人のH-raiさん and Me!


Coffee break!

Summer Time定番のImo Batake!まだかき氷の季節ぢゃないからみんながAMERICAにした


 帰ろうと思ったらRin君からの連絡が入り!M-moto夫婦について尾道方面へ行って、Rin君をPICK UPすることに、、

 どこに行こうかはまったく決めてなくて、とりあえずU-TURNし、山を超えるルートを通って福山に戻ることに。脚が終了モードに入っているのでPACEをRin君に任し。福山に到着し、お茶をしにCafe Homeに決定。



Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hiroshima Cycle Road Race at Hiroshima Chuo Shinrin Park

今日は広島県サイクルロードレースでした。天気は曇りのため、涼しくてちょうどよかった。嫌な風もなくてこれでいぃ走りが出来る!っと思ったけど、心折れるほどしんどくてなかなか活躍できなかった。Team Kensから3チームがTeamTTに挑戦。速い下りと、平地と、だらだら上りがあって面白いコースでした。最後の周でpaceをkeepできなかった自分が悔しい!paceを落としてもらったせいで、良い順位にならなかったが、1人旅にならなくてよかった!(他何方さんみたぃに!)Team Members全員良く頑張りました!みなさんの頑張ってる姿を見て感動して、カッコよかったです!また頑張りましょう!次はリベンジを尽くすぞ〜!今日のビールはうまぃっ!



Saturday, May 19, 2012

light warm-up

明日のTTに向けて今日は軽く『ほどほど』に回してこうって昨日、Pei-sanから連絡が入ってきた。いつものSaturday CrewにN-jima-san, Chun-san, and Rin-kunと6人組んで8:30amにstart!Courseはいつもの鞆周り。light練習だと思いきや、掛け合いし、とんでもない坂を上り、へろへろになって明日のTTが不安です!

 Anske-sanにいぃペースで引いてもらった後、Rin-kunが火つけたアタックに貢献し、いったんコンビニで a short break.

 次のdestinationは田島に決定!海岸沿いのflat roadで気持ちよくCrescent Beachまで走ると、、まさかの坂道にコース変更!N-jima-sanのsecret training spotらしいが、変態ぢゃなぃと普通は上がらない坂です!次のSequenceでみなさん分かるでしょう!?


 その後、震える脚にはa well deserved lunch! Today's menu is 海鮮丼!絶好調のRin-kunに引っ張ってもらい、店に戻り。明日のTTにはDeep rimsがいいと思い、お願いしたら自転車のメンテや掃除までしてもらっちゃった。感謝です!今日の距離はちょうど良いの60kilometersで脚のmusclesを十分目覚ませたと思う。夜はRin-kunとShinacchiと合流しバラ祭りへ!



 しめに鍋屋さんへ!America代表、Hong Kong代表と Japan代表の初集まりです!明日raceなかったらkaraokeに行けたのに!まぁ、raceの打ち上げででもいいでしょう!明日、頑張りましょう!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Can't Feel My Legs!

The weather has been real good recently, but today was the first time to ride since Golden Week. I haven't been able to ride as much as I'd like to since well before Golden Week, and with a race coming up next Sunday, I'm far off from being able to help the team! So yesterday I gave Pei-san the usual call to see what today's route would be. Unfortunately, Anske-san is in Shimane-ken for the Iwami Gran Fondo. So Pei-san started our ride at 8am from our usual gathering point. With my legs in not so good condition, he led me at a good 35km/h pace through Tomonoura to Tsuneishi.
Cosmic Carbon! But you can't tell from this angle...

After just about 40km of riding we stopped to refuel at a nearby konbini. (I don't feel too bad, but I'm noticeably weaker and not in great shape) There, I gave Rin a message to see if he could meet up with us. It must be over a year since I last rode with him and we're all glad he's well and back on his bike! He requests to meet at Chou-Chou in Matsunaga so we head there before thinking about where to go next.

After picking up Rin get a call from Matsu-fufu and decide to meet up with them in front of Onomichi Station. After arriving there we then grab a little snack for the rode just enough to last until lunch time. At first what I thought would be a normal day riding the usual routes, Matsu-fufu offers taking us to Takehara where there's good roads, good scenery and good food! Without hesitation we agree on the 5 of us head out a long the coast to Takehara through Mihara.  It was my first time to Takehara and what an awesome place it was! Just like they said there was a fantastic scenery and an awesome lunch! There was even a beach named after me! (.. I think?)

The long flat road and the beautiful ocean view heading to Takehara

Time to refuel! Daikon-oroshi Ponzu Hamburg Set! There was soup, too!
After a good rest and a hearty meal we hit the road and made our way back to Mihara. At this point Pei-san and I were at the 80km mark. Instead of making a U-turn to go back the way we came we stayed on the same road that also led us to see an old Japanese style village. It reminded me of Kyoto and seemed a lot better than the one in Kurashiki (No offense!) This road also included a brutal climb through the mountains. Already, my legs were feeling the hurt, but having some energy we pedaled on...

Awesome place!